First Christian Church - Aiken
Recent Sermons

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Recent Sermons

March 23 - The Sin of Judging Others - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

March 16 - The Sin of Staying Stuck - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

March 5 - Ash Wednesday Service - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

March 2 - Preparing for Lent - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

February 23 - Past, Present and God at Work - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

February 16 - The Level Ground - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

February 9 - Starting with an Empty Boat - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

February 2 - On Life (long) Support - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

January 26 - Body Life - Rev. Dr. Karen Diefendorf (Facebook video)

January 19 - Aren't You Glad God Thought You Up - Rev. Dr. Karen Diefendorf (Facebook video)

January 12 - Laity Sunday - Forgiveness - Lisa Wahlmeier (Facebook video)

January 5 - Examples from the Magi - Pastor Irene Albritton (Facebook video)

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