Pastor Irene Albritton

Pastor Irene Albritton began serving as our Interim Pastor in October of 2018.
In March of 2019 Pastor Irene Albritton was called by our board to serve as our permanent Pastor.
She was installed at our Sunday service on March 31, 2019.
Rev. Irene Henderson Albritton has served most of her active ministry as a hospital chaplain and as a
department director and certified Pastoral Educator through the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc (ACPE).
Irene is a graduate of Mercer University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She was ordained by
Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church, Jacksonville Florida upon graduation from seminary in June 1987. Prior to entering seminary,
she worked eleven years in banking.
From 1987 - 1992, Irene completed her ACPE chaplaincy residency and certified educator
residency at Emory Health in Atlanta.
In 1992, she joined the chaplaincy / pastoral education staff at Baptist Health System in Columbia SC.
In 1995, she was promoted to Department Director of the newly merged Palmetto Health, a position she held until her retirement in May 2017.
As a pastoral educator, Irene worked in clergy development with seminary students, active parish pastors and professional chaplains.
In 2000, Irene joined First Christian Columbia. Also in 2000 she completed the required steps with the South Carolina Regional
office of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to have her ordination recognized and became a recognized minister in good standing.
She has served as pulpit supply at various churches of different protestant denominations during her years as a professional chaplain.
In 2003, she served a four month interim pastor position at First Christian Columbia.
Irene is married to Ed Albritton. They have two adult children, Eric and Jenni, and are raising their oldest grandson, Joey - who they recently adopted.
They also have four younger grandchildren under the age of 6. Irene and Ed own a used bookstore in West Columbia.
Irene’s hobbies include a love of books, travel, cooking and attending the USC Women’s basketball games.
Recent Pastors:
Sotello Long - Served as pastor from 2013 through the summer of 2017. In 2017 he
was called to serve in the national office of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as the president of the Disciples Home Missions.
Pastor Keith Weekley - Interim Pastor from October 2017 til June of 2018.
In 2018 Pastor Keith had to take a medical leave of abscence due to chronic lung problems. Please pray for him during his treatment and recovery.